SAP Asia

SAP Asia
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We have partnered with the ASEAN Foundation (AF) to run AF-SAP Joint Programmes since 2017. There are three main projects jointly organised by AF and SAP in 2023: ASEAN Data Science Explorers (ASEAN DSE), ASEAN Digital Empowerment (ASEAN DE), and ASEAN Social Development Programme II (ASEAN SEDP II). These programmes reflect our shared commitment to advancing digital literacy, empowering youth, and fostering the development of the ASEAN Community in the ASEAN region. Firstly—the ASEAN DSE has been running since January 2023. It consists of two segments: the competition and the enablement sessions of the data analytic training using SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC), conducted in partnership with institutes of higher learning (IHLs), ASEAN DSE ambassadors, and not-for-profit organisations (NPOs) across the 10 ASEAN Member States. The competition garnered significant interest, with a total of 3,096 youths signing up, with the highest participation from Indonesia, accounting for 1,124 participants. 41% of the registered participants, totalling 630 storyboards, successfully developed and submitted their storyboards, showcasing an improved percentage compared to last year. The enablement sessions conducted in collaboration with IHLs and ASEAN DSE ambassadors have been highly effective in reaching and capacitating educators and students. As of 9 June 2023, the enablement sessions with IHLs and ASEAN DSE ambassadors could empower 648 educators and 5,579 students with data analytics training using SAP Analytic Cloud (SAC). On the other hand, AF’s partnership with 9 NPOs from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, and the Philippines has successfully provided online and offline enablement sessions. These sessions have empowered a total of 9,885 underserved youths from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam, with majority of the youths falling under Category 1 (youth living in tier 2/3 cities), followed by Category 6 (youth from lower-middle economic background). Secondly—the ASEAN DE programme commenced in early May 2023. A total of 16 IHLs and 5 vocational schools from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand have expressed their interest in actively participating in the programme. These institutions are committed to selecting the most exceptional students and lecturers to undertake and successfully complete the SAC course and the certification examination by end of December 2023. In addition, 169 students have also been carefully selected through a public call for applications. To support their participation, a total of 750 exam vouchers have been allocated exclusively to the ASEAN DE programme and will be distributed to all selected students and lecturers. Thirdly—the ASEAN SEDP 2.0 was launched in March 2023. We received applications from 140 social enterprises from 10 ASEAN Member States. After a thorough evaluation process, the top 36 social enterprises have been shortlisted and invited for interview scheduled to take place from 3 to 6 July 2023. These 36 social enterprises are actively engaged in addressing critical areas such as environmental sustainability; women empowerment; empowerment and inclusion of refugee, people with disability, smallholder farmers; educational equity; and public health.

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