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Through the Meta family of apps, we give people and businesses the opportunity to connect and grow in meaningful ways to support the goals of ASEAN markets in digital transformation and inclusive economic growth. Our #SheMeansBusiness program has been running in several ASEAN countries for over 6 years, to inspire and empower almost a hundred thousand women entrepreneurs through digital skills and financial training and reached more than a million people with training content online. Meta has also trained thousands of micro, small and medium businesses in ASEAN through our Meta Boost program that helps provide MSMEs access to the digital skills to adapt and grow their businesses in the digital economy. ( Working in partnership with experts across Asia Pacific, “We Think Digital” provides accessible learning modules and resources to build skills for a digital world. Through “We Think Digital”, Meta is reaching diverse groups of learners across the region and shaping the Asia Pacific digital community for the better. ( In 2022, Meta launched the Sustainability Media Academy in APAC, in partnership with EB Impact. This first-of-its-kind program aims to cultivate expertise around reportage of complex sustainability issues, by upskilling aspiring journalists and content creators across the region. This initiative is part of Meta's broader commitment to sustainability. (

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