FedEx Express

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FedEx Express is one of the world's largest express transportation companies, providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries and territories. The company moves on average more than 6.5 million packages each day by air. For decades, FedEx has supported local, national and global relief agencies, helping them save lives and comfort the afflicted. We do this because of our unique capacities. With more than 650 airplanes, and 180,000 vehicles on the world’s roads we are able to get lifesaving materials, medicines, and equipment to disaster sites with great speed and precision. Launched in 2019, FedEx Cares worked around the world with more than 900 nonprofits to have a direct and positive impact on more than 50 million people. Team members engaged in community service, invested in philanthropic endeavors, and provided in-kind shipping to many organizations. Some highlights include: • Delivering hope and healing by leveraging the company’s global network to deliver basic necessities and medicine to people when natural disasters and crisis strike. • Making dreams come true by investing in inclusion and the next generation of entrepreneurs. • Prioritizing the planet by investing in solutions and innovations to create more sustainable cities and empower team members to restore and protect the environment through community service. • Volunteering time in the community to help keep kids warm and feed the hungry.

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