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Baxter is committed to addressing the environmental, social and governance topics impacting our patients and employees and the diverse communities we serve worldwide. Baxter's mission to save and sustain lives extends beyond the products, therapies, and services we offer. We are driven by the possibility of making a meaningful difference in the world—not just today, but for generations to come. This is why our approach to corporate responsibility is grounded in creating a more sustainable and responsible business model with innovations in healthcare at the core. Across the globe, we are currently focused on our 2030 Corporate Responsibility Commitment and Goals, which strive to create comprehensive and lasting value by: - Empowering our patients, - Protecting our planet, - Championing our people and communities. These commitments guide our CSR efforts across our markets in ASEAN: from the recycling of aluminum and PVC medical products and waterway clean ups, to supporting children gain access to critical medication, we are proud to support initiatives and grass roots organizations that make a positive, long-lasting impact for the underserved.

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